Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What is Young Adulthood?

-Age group falling anywhere between 20 to 40 years of age
-A time period of significant life events; such as marriage, having children, and working

-A later surge into adulthood is very common today due to people going further in school, not getting jobs immediately after graduation, and relying on parents for everything
-Paths to adulthood may be influenced by gender, academic ability, attitudes toward education, social class, and ego development

Emerging Adulthood- a time of experimentation before taking on adult roles and responsibilities
    -Period of exploration when you are no longer an adolescent, but you haven't quite settled into adult roles yet

*How will I know when i have reached adulthood?
            -When you can accept responsibility for yourself
            -When you are able to make independent decisions
            -When you become financially independent

-2 Perspectives of Adulthood:
      1. Sociological- defined by someone who can support themselves or in a stable relationship
      2. Psychological- state of mind, rather than event in which an individual has formed an identity

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