Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Social Development

     Active engagement in a broad range of social relationships, activities, and roles has been shown to greatly improve emotional well-being. Having the social support of others is very beneficial for coping with stress.

-Women tend to think about their responsibilities to specific people while men are more likely to think in terms of justice rather than feelings. A woman's central moral dilemma is the conflict between her needs and those of others. 

-Paths to adulthood may be influenced by gender, academic ability, early attitudes toward education, expectations in late adolescence, social class, + ego development
-Personality development entails both change and stability

-In Erikson's Normative Stage Model young adults must make commitments to others, or face isolation and self-absorption

Racial and Ethnic Identity Exploration:
    -May feel obligated to assist their families financially, therefore taking on many responsibilities in the home life
    -May begin to question the traditional values of their ethnic group
    -To achieve a secure ethnic identity, you must come to understand yourself both as part of an ethnic group and also apart of the wider, diverse society

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